Friday, September 6, 2019

My Bahamas Fundraising page, International Medical Relief

Medical Relief Fundraising

I think this is the URL for the actual fundraising page. (I don't think this post would process a donation)..    .

Helping Dr. Carolyn Kenyon ‘s Bahamas disaster relief trip funding

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I am fortunate to have time available and will be joining an International Medical Relief team to supply disaster medical assistance in the Bahamas in a few weeks. I will fund my travel , but your generous donations will help me buy critical medical supplies for the trip. This organization is essentially all volunteer but does amazing work. Consider coming on a trip yourself-there is something to do for everyone , even kids have come and helped. Please consider a donation -use my donations link below - and follow my original Haiti relief blog for updates: “ Thank you for every penny . Carolyn
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The International Medical Relief team role in the Bahamas

IMR will be aiding the local healthcare system as they recover.  This is not a search and rescue effort. IMR Volunteers can expect to treat acute and chronic illness, provide wound care, replace reading glasses and chronic medications where possible, and fill in at hospitals as requested. Clinics will be held outside under tarps or within structurally sound buildings as available.  

Flexibility is a key component of success for this mission!  Be prepared for a fluid situation that may require significant changes to the planned itinerary.  It is our goal to provide aid in whatever manner is necessary to help the people and the medical community of the Bahamas. This is NOT a clinic, but a disaster relief trip. Teams will be supporting the area in any ways that they need!

Bahamas medical relief trip

i am on the list for International Medical Relief for medical missions to the Bahamas starting September 14, if the air strip is useable! I’ll be posting on my blog once there. And International Medical Relief needs your donations for our medical supplies. They are easily found online. Thanks.