Monday, November 14, 2011


Returned Saturday with plans to download a million photos, blog away, and simultaneously organize my whole life. Actuality was , after getting up at 1:45 local  New Orleans time , catching the bus at the equivalent of 2:00 AM, opening the airport in Port au Prince , flights to Atlanta and then New Orleans, with arrival at 5PM here, I was a bit tired. After dinner with Dan Tolley and Kathy McKinney, I got home to my deprived two cats and simply watched some pre recorded horsemanship shows before I collapsed.
Sunday I was up before daybreak ( I am normally NOT an "A.M." person) and started laundry and sorting through my journal notes. Best intentions were replaced by the mundane needs of a nearly empty gas tank, groceries, job preparation , emails, calls, checking in with friends, and then the day was gone. I am now working .
Looks like the Blog will have to wait a few more days.
I promise loads of photos, and great information.