Monday, July 11, 2011


Curious? Skeptical?                         


 In 1763 France , having lost the 7 years (French and Indian) war with England for the Ohio territory,  ceded the southern "Province" of Louisiana and port of New Orleans to Spain in payment to Spain for their help in the battle and loss of Florida.(treaty of Paris). Spain  allowed US merchants to use the river and port. However, in 1800, Napoleon Bonapate negotiated a secret treaty with Spain to get it back (Treaty of San Ildefonso).

 Alexander Hamilton feared  loss of the port, and even invasion by France. He knew of the secret treaty and , when port access was revoked by Spain, sent envoys to France to buy the port of New Orleans. Napoleon had recently in fact made plans to launch a force of occupation of the Louisiana province, and was using as  his base of operations and income, France's rich port at  Saint Dominique ( Haiti).

France however  had some issues. They were being blockaded by England, due to new hostilities, and since 1791 there had been an ongoing slave rebellion on SaintDominique.  And it was getting worse.  This slave rebellion  became the  pivotal event for US history. The French  tried to hold on until it was a lost cause by1803 . Lacking his income from the "Pearl of the Antilles" ,and  a port of operations in the western hemisphere , Napoleon realized his occupation of Louisiana  was  now doomed.

Representatives sent by Hamilton, were stunned when offered the whole of the Louisiana territory, not just  New Orleans. Depite the fact that France had previously agreed only to sell to Spain, and that the US envoys had neither money , authorzation , nor legal constitutional authority to buy it, they did  On April 30, 1803 .

Spain protested, but  formally transferred power to France  on November 30, 1803, and December 20, 1803 France transferred it to the US at the Cabildo in New Orleans. January 1, 1804 Saint Dominique declared independence and took the native Taino name of Haiti, "Land of Mountains". Thus  saving the central and possibly all of the US from French occupation.  C'est ca!

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